Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Melting away

I think we are slowly melting away here. It's been excruciatingly hot here for the past weeks and there is no end in sight. Our air is running all the time at home, we do put it up during the day so we don't get killed by the electricity bill. The kids can't go outside because it's even too hot for that. It makes you sluggish and irritable. I'm even thinking of canceling our Yosemite trip because we would be in tents, and honestly, I can't imagine being in a tent in this heat. I would just be miserable.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Turning 4

So Mackie is 4 now. She was soooooo excited yesterday. In the morning we just gave her a small present, 2 movies. Mary Poppins and Alice in Wonderland. Then she went to the sitter, where she got new shoes, and they baked a strawberry cake. Mackie got to help and decorate the cake, they then went to the park and ate the cake. I picked them up and Paul had put together her big present. A princess stroller, with carseat, doll, diaper bag, carrying bag and snugli. She loved it, and of course didn't want to share with her sisters.

After she went to bed, I went and checked on her and she had her new shoes on, and the carseat with the baby right next to her, and the stroller in front of her bed. It was too cute. Also, Sidney made a 4 out of legos for her b-day which was really cute. Her big party is on Saturday though.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Miss Mackie turns 4 tomorrow

I can't believe my baby will be 4 tomorrow. She is definetely her own little person and amazes me every day. She's got this cute little smile with her dimples that just gets me every time. I call her my little mini adult, because she has such a big vocabulary and has these full on discussions with you where you forget that she is barely 4. But there are the tantrums too.LOL. She is very good at those and can definetely hold her own with her sisters. Her and Brenna are two peas in a pod, there are great friends, share a room and fight..LOL.

I love you my special little girl.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Picture this

I'm making scrambled eggs for the girls in the kitchen in a big skillet, the eggs are still runny. Sidney and Brenna are in the kitchen fighting...Sidney shoves Brenna ( I think) , Brenna takes off her flip flop and throws it at Sidney....Sidney jumps out of the way and....YES................the Flip Flop lands right in the skillet in the scrambled eggs. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh......................

I did have to punish her, but it took a lot not to laugh out loud. Priceless!