Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I've had it

I went to the Neurologist yesterday because I still have problems with my left arm/hand, no control over my little finger, it feels like it's asleep, and the hand is tingling and hurting sometimes.
Ever heard of Cubital Tunnel Syndrome? Me neither..........
Now I have to do a Nerve conduction test which involves electro shocks, nice. And hopefully start physical therapy because she told me that I already lost muscle mass in my hand. Great.....I feel like a real cripple now. I also have to wear a special brace for my elbow, because that's where the nerve is. Had to order it and of course it's not covered by insurance, it's $60. It's really annoying not to have full strength in my left hand, I guess I should be grateful that it's not my right hand.

Oh yeah , and if all this doesn't work I still might need surgery. Wahhhhh, I'm thoroughly depressed now.

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