Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Ten things I thought I would never do

1. Have kids. Seriously...in my twenties I thought I would never kids. Look at me now.LOL

2. Say certain sentences like "Mackie don't eat the dog food, the dog is hungry" or "Brenna don't lick your sister"

3. Eat sushi. The thought of raw fish didn't appeal to me. Now I love love love it.

4. Live in America. When I was growing up I certainly didn't picture myself living here and raising a family here. If somebody would have told me that I would have declared them insane.

5. Being a soccer mom. In Germany my dad used to drag me to soccer games and I hated it, I thought it was the most boring thing. Now all 3 girls play soccer and I love watching them, so much that I actually signed up for assistant coach.

6. Give my kids cereal for dinner. LOLOL.

7. Be on antidepressants. This is a touchy subject for me and kind of hard to talk about, since I never thought I would have to deal with this. I should be able to just "snap" out of it, but that certainly doesn't work.

8. Learn a second language fluently (well, kind of). For the first 21 years I only spoke german, granted I had english in school, but I hate to admit it, I wasn't very good.LOL.

9. Be happy to live far away from my mother. Long story....most of you people know what I'm talking about.

10. Be married. Yes....I actually told everybody that I never wanted to get married. And then after I got married for the first time and got divorced after 3 years, I swore never to make that mistake again. yeah well..................

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