Monday, June 25, 2007


No, not the cute cuddly kind. MEN. I swear to god I've had it after this weekend. DH did something to his right ankle and it's all swollen and inflammed. He get's this like once a year. But you would think he just has been diagnosed with cancer. MAN, I'm still struggling with the nerve stuff in my left arm and I'm still going to Physical Therapy. But of course anything he has is ten times worse.

Throw the mood from hell on top of it and you got a great combination for a horrible weekend. ARGHHHHHHHHHH.............why are men such babies?

1 comment:

Babs said...

I can't be sure, but somehow it's got something to do with The Penis.... I feel your pain. The only way I can live with the infantile behavior is to write it off as being part of the DNA and something we'll never seems that any time I start sneezing or my nose runs, Lovey begins coming down with his "chest infection"....uh huh.