Thursday, July 12, 2007

Five years ago today

I was on the way to the hospital, and Mackie was born in the afternoon. I can't believe it has been this long. My baby is growing up fast. LOLOL.

I will always remember how scared we were because her official due date wasn't until Aug. 8, so she was pretty much a month early. But she was fine. She has been pretty amazing ever since. Potty trained herself at 2 because she didn't want to wear diapers anymore, and I had a hard time finding underwear for her because she was little. LOLOL. She also started talking much faster than the other 2, we had full on discussions with a 2 year old. At 3 years she called Sidney "pathetic" and used in the the right way too. LOLOL. She also can throw major tantrums, you can see the little lips out.

And she certainly knows how to deal with her sisters. She can hold her own and has no bproblem retaliating.

Happy Birthday Baby!!

1 comment:

Babs said...

Happy birthday to your girl and happy anniversary to you. It's funny you said that because my mom always calls our birthdays her anniversary. Enjoy the day.