Thursday, October 04, 2007

Is this it?

Do you ever wonder if this will be your life? .....forever?...........

Is it a strange thought? At this point I'm just continuously on the go, working, scheduling by boss and my family, keeping up with homework and birthday parties, doing laundry and trying to keep the house semi clean. Will it ever be different? I know people keep telling me to enjoy this time while the kids are young, but frankly, I'm not really enjoying it. I enjoy going to soccer games with them, I enjoy snuggling with them and looking at them when they are asleep, but I don't enjoy the mess, the arguing and the homework. I guess it comes witht the territory and the things we enjoy or dislike will just change from period to period.

I wish.................

I could have enough money to buy a ranch somewhere in Montana and enjoy life completely and fully.
I find myself never having enough time to do the things that would be joyful. I seem to run out of time. Oh well............

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

I'm glad I'm not the only person with those thoughts. I love my kids but those days they are snots and whining and fussing and fighiting and bitchng everything I've done for them is wrong...Well I wonder if it will be that way forever.