Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Ten Things I'd like to do if I had more time

Thanks Cat for the list idea.

1. More time alone at my house. I swear, whenever I'm at home, I'm never alone, somebody is always there. I want some peace and quiet.

2. More knitting, crocheting or needlepoint. I love to do these things and I still get some of it done at night watching TV, but I'm ususally to tired. And therefore any project will take me 5 years.

3. My looks, I'd love to leave the house with a styled hairdo and great makeup. Yeah right.......

4. Cook more. Paul is the cook in ther family. I actually cook pretty well too but never get to do it since he is home before me, and on the weekend we BBQ a lot.

5. Read more....yes I already read a lot, but since I love reading so much I would like to have some uninterrupted time, like 2 hours sitting outside in the sun.

6. Spent more time with each child. We do try to make a conscious effort of giving them each time with mom and dad, but I would like to see more of that.

7. I used to do watercolor paintings. I haven't done it in years and would love to pick it up again but I fear if I leave it in the living room one of my highly creative artists will finish it for me.

8. Be even more involved in their school. I did join the PTA, but I would like to have more time to actually spent at school with them.

9. Exercise. OK, let's not kid ourselves. I don't exercise, but I really need to start but never seem to find the time. Yes, I know it's a lame excuse.

10. More gardening, I actually like being outside and planting things and seeing them grow.

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