Friday, May 18, 2007


Some things I really just don't get. Maybe I'm to old fashioned. LOL. This morning I dropped the kids off at school and here comes a boy, who is in Kindergarten, with a Mohawk hairdo, shaved sides, and the Mohawk is blue. And totally spiked up in the air. WHAT??????????

Is it just me? Now come on, you can not tell me that a 6 year old boy goes up to his parents and asks for that. It has to come from the parent. And then I'm thinking about all the work that goes into this hairdo every morning. I think he spends more time on his hair than I do, or actually his mom does. I'm surprised they even let him be in school like that, and that they don't make him go home and come back with a more normal hairdo.

I get the whole "Freedom of expression" thing, but really..................for a six year old?
So maybe I am old fashioned. I don't buy short shorts for my girls, or mini skirts, Brenna does wear a lot of skirts, but most of them are actually skorts. I also don't see the point of exposing your navel at 6 or 8 years old, so no little tops here either. Sorry, but it has to cover your tummy. LOL.

1 comment:

Babs said...

You don't see a point because there IS NO point!! I have to agree that that comes from the parent. I have a hard enough time just brushing my kids hair, let alone putting it in any kind of he an only child perhaps?