Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Tuesday Ten: 10 things I whine about

1. Money, money and money. Yes, it could be much worse, but it would be nice to NOT have to think about it EVER. To just be able to buy something without having to plan it.

2. My mother. Oh boy, this is a big one. I really really wish I had a normal mother.LOLOL

3. Whining......yes, this is a big one. " MOOOM, she is mean to me" "MOOM she got icecream and I didn't, it's not fair"

4. Siblings fighting. I'm so tired of living with 3 supposedly human girls who fight like animals.

5. My weight. Enough said.

6. Not having any free time. I'm usually never EVER alone in our house. Somebody is always there with me. Last Sunday DH took the girls on a walk and I had the house to myself for 2 hours. WEIRD!!

7. High gas prices. I love love love my Excursion, but I have to mortgage my house to fill up the tank.

8. Not winning the lottery. It would make my life so much easier.

9. DH...when I go to bed at night after work, dinner and homework and laundry, I'm tired and just want to read for half an hour. Me bending down is not considered foreplay and NO I don't want to have sex every day. REALLY.

10. Not having a second bathroom. With 3 girls, it's insane. We probably will add on, but at this point I'm seriously considering a chamber pot (is that the right name???LOLOL)

1 comment:

Mom2Morgan.Dylan said...

ROFLMAO - isn't changing into your pajamas foreplay? ;o) Puulllease.