Wednesday, June 06, 2007


ARghhhhh, I hate this topic. Seriously...until I was in my mid twenties I never even thought about my weight. When I got married at 30 I was a size 6 and thought I was too big. Yeah right....little did I know.

Got pregnant with Sidney and had her at 31 and still was able to bounce back pretty fast. No problem, then had Brenna at 33 and Mackie at 35. That's it. The end of a normal figure for me. My body was never the same, the two last ones were c-sections and it seems like I kept part of them in my midsection, there is a tummy I never had before. Where did that come from?

If I fit into a size 10 now I'm a happy camper, NOT FAIR. I want my body back, the one I had at 25. Ok, I am 40 now but still. My big problem is that I don't like to exercise. Taking the kids to soccer practice should count in my opinion. I really really need to start doing something before I won't be able to move anymore.

Of course lovely husband is not a big help, every time I vow to eat better or just have a salad for dinner, something comes up. Last night he didn't want to cook (he is the cook in the family) and ordered Pizza. Now living at my house you would know that it is indeed a rare occasion that happens maybe twice a year. We usually eat pretty healthy and don't do a lot of junk food. Soooooooooo, I had 3 slices of pizza last night. Not exactly diet food.

It's just a neverending circle that seems to creep up on me. I need to get a handle on it somehow.

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