Monday, January 21, 2008

The aftermath

after my birthday that is. This had to be one of the shittiest birthdays in history. I actually left Friday early to go to a Dr.'s appt., which of coures ran late. Then I was on my way to Barnes & Nobles to spent my birthday gift certificate when I got into an accident. It's just my bumper and right light, but god what an inconvenience. Fine, went and got my books and went home.

Next day (my actual birthday) I'm cooking dinner when a pipe burst under the kitchen sink. It was 7:30 pm, of course we had to call a plummer and it took til almost 9 to get it fixed, and $200. Whatever......

The Sunday was somewhat better since we went to a really nice champagne brunch, crab legs, mussels, salmon, primerib....the works......ahhhhhhhh....much better.

Now back to " I really need to lose weight since my fat clothes are getting tight".

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